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Friday, August 29, 2008

Doctor's Appointment

We had our second Dr.'s Appointment yesterday. Everything went great! What a relief?! We heard the baby's heart beat. We didn't get to see the baby. Man, I had my heart set on seeing too. But hearing the heart beat was awesome. We even heard the baby move! What an incredible sound. I can't believe we are having a baby! We made it through the first trimester!
It was really emotional for me yesterday. I was crying. It was so good to hear the little heart beat. The essence of life. My first baby's heart stopped beating...but God has such a way to bring beauty from ashes. The same place where fire was found and ashes remained, is the same place where beauty and pearls where found. God is so good. He is so perfect with His redemption and His restoration. He has restored my womb to carry and protect my little one. He does it time and time again. Not just in my natural womb, but in my spiritual womb. The place where my godly character is being developed. The place where who I am in Christ is being carried out and protected. The Lord brings restoration to every area that we allow Him access too. I love the work of the Holy Spirit. What a comforter and a revealer of truth.
My final thoughts and encouragement:
Allow the Holy One of Israel to come into a place of "spiritual death" and bring restoration there. Allow Him to bring life, abundant life, to places where you thought would forever be dead. Constantly bear fruit. But we can't bear fruit in areas that are dead. Let Him prune His Bride to where we are spotless and blameless in His sight.


The Gossmanns said...

Wow, Kelly. Thanks for this post. You speak so much truth-I love it! Sorry for not getting to your blog sooner. Jeff has been taking the laptop with him every day. But I'm so glad you have a blog now so we can keep up even better!!! Love you.